The DNBSEQ Fast PCR-FREE FS Library Prep Set is suitable for human samples (blood, saliva, oral swabs), animals (rats, mice), plants (A. thaliana, O. sativa), bacteria (E. coli), fungi (yeast), microorganisms (metagenomic samples), and long amplicon DNA fragments.
The DNBSEQ Dual Barcode Circularization Kit converts PCR products with DNBSEQ UDB primers or ‘DNBSEQ Dual-barcode standard PCR Product’ (see DNBSEQ platform adapter documentation) from CG library prep kits into a ssCir library for sequencing on DNBSEQ high-throughput platforms. Not suitable for single barcode libraries.
Whether you have questions about our products, need assistance with genomic solutions, or just want to learn more about our technology, our team is ready to assist.